Coffee of the Month
We strive to find new and interesting coffees from around the world and bring them to you at a fair and reasonable price. Each month, we select a coffee that stands out and is unique in its flavors, farming & processing methods, and the quality you expect from Spiral Horn Coffee. We roast each coffee to find that “perfect spot” where the combination of conductive and convective heat in the roaster makes this particular coffee exhibit all that is has to offer. We hope you enjoy the selection for this month!
March – We Present Silver Spurs!
Silver Spurs Blend represents what we believe to be some of the best flavors in a robust dark roast coffee. Rich chocolate taste found in all of our dark roast while experiencing some of that sweetness and rich berry flavors underneath. Silver Spurs Blend is not that single cup of dark roast and you are done because it is too heavy or too much smoke and roast. Not bitter, and slightly sweet. It is a coffee you will truly enjoy as a traditional dark roast coffee fan.
Prettying yourself up for a night out? Well we kinda looked at the Silver Spurs the same way. A bold roast, yet has a bit of “fancy” to it. Enjoy!