The Most Recent News….
Coffee Processing Methods
Before outlining the coffee processing methods we first need to cover a few points: coffee is a fruit, we refer to it as a cherry. [...]
Coffee Farmers
Coffee farmers have it pretty tough these days. As the second most valuable LEGALLY traded commodity in the world, its price is often determined on [...]
Choosing Coffee
Specialty coffee is naturally sweet. Remember, coffee is a fruit, it should be naturally sweet as it was picked when ripe. If you are used [...]
Roast Levels
For the meat eaters out there, the analogy may be as simple as equating roast levels to cooking a steak. If you cook a steak [...]
Specialty Coffee
Specialty coffee is always grown at high elevations (3-7 thousand feet above sea level) where the coffee grows much slower due to lower temperatures. Typically, [...]
Making Better Coffee
Who taught you the art of making coffee? Mom, dad, girlfriend, boyfriend, grandparent, or someone else? Who taught them? How can something so seemingly simple [...]